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Harry Potter- J.K Rowling
J.K. Rowlings says that it was while travelling by rail from Manchester to King's Cross that the Harry Potter books were born. This would have been in or around 1990.

The first thing is to say that it unlikely that she travelled to King's Cross from Manchester. She most likely travelled to Euston. Had she travelled from York or Leeds then she would have gone to King's Cross. The Lancashire side of the Pennies gets you to Euston.

None-the-less it was while she travelled that her creation was born.
A boy wizard who does not know he's one. She had thought about the school Hogwarts and knew what it was going to be like.

The main characters are based on her school chums and the teachers who taught her when she was a girl. They must have been a rum lot! All this literary background information destracts from the main pleasure. Having a good read.

The Hogwarts Express Story
The Hogwarts Express departs from King's Cross Station, platform 9 3/4 at 11pm. The service runs 4 times a year. September, Christmas, Easter and July. The journey will be about 2 minutes in the film, 10 minutes in the book but 6 hours real time.

All students travelling to Hogwarts on this rail service will need a small amount of pocket money. This can be used to buy interesting snacks and drinks from the Trolley Service, which will be available throughout the journey.

The locomotive known as 'Hogwarts Express' (5972) was formally called 'Olton Hall.' It is a 'Great Western Hall Class' locomotive, having the wheel pattern 4-6-0. Its original colour was green. It was built in 1937 and worked in Wales until it was sold to a company in Yorkshire. There are only about 11 of this class of locomotive still in existance at various railway musuems throughout Britain.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
J.K. Rowling 5th Harry Potter book is expected to be published this year. The title will be 'The Order of the Phoenix.'The phoenix is a mythical bird which was destroyed but a new bird flew out of the fire.

Rowling says that Harry is now 15 and he is expected to fall madly in love. He also travels deeper into the magical kingdom than he has travelled before.

Most of books 6 and 7 have already been written and so has the final chapter in book 7. It is a chapter about what happens to everyone after they leave Hogwarts School.

Rowling only planned to write 7 books in ther saga. There
might be an 8th but it would be written to raise money for a Charity. In this she would be like J.M.Barrie who gave Peter Pan to Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital.

Harry Potter Website

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Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus