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Meteorites Explodes over Lancashire 1914
Here are pictures about Meteors

An Asteroid in space

Do you remember a film called Armageddon? It is a story about giant asteroids that are going to crash into Earth. The film showed what might happen on impact and detailed the destruction that occured.

Meteorites are pieces of rock that travel through space. They are thought to have broken off asteroids. Sometimes they crash into the Earth’s atmosphere.
Shooting Stars
When meteor enter the Earth's atmosphere they begin to burn up. They are seen as a streak of light in the night sky. We call them shooting stars and very beautiful they can be.

Meteorite Impact Siberia 1908 and England 1914
In 1908 a meteorite exploded over a forest in Siberia. The forest was flattened and the explosion was heard in London.

One of the biggest meteorites to crash into England did so on the night of October 13th 1914. There was an explosion when it landed in a field near a village called Appley Bridge about 4 miles from Wigan.

Eyewitness accounts describe a bright streak across the sky. They say that one end of it was a yellow colour and the other end was blue. When the meteorite exploded everyone thought that the world was coming to an end.

The meteorite was sent to the National History Museum in London. You can see it there.
Types of Meteorite
This is mainly an iron and nickle meteorite.
Type 2 Meteorite
Stony Iron. This is a mixture of iron and stony material
Type 3 Meteorite
Chondrite. Most meteorites belong to this group.
Type 4 Meteorite
Carbonaceous Chondrite.

The Upper air burst into life! And a hundred fire-flags sheen. S.T Coleridge.